The TAO Of Daniel: WORK

This human life, as informed by the Tao, is like a shooting star, or a planet burning itself up.

Wild, bright, expressive; it cares little for a long, safe ride or surviving for eternity. Its journey is its destination, and it doesn’t compromise for anything or anyone.

We each have a war to fight it seems; a resistance to overcome. There is work to be done; work of an inevitable and therefore spiritual kind. It is the work done by those that surrender to their destiny and their selves.

It is work that is cherished specifically ‘because’ it cannot NOT be done. It MUST be done. It must be followed through with. There is no other way…

Those free-will thinkers out there may disagree or hesitate to believe in such a Tao, but it is what it is. The Tao never asked for anyone’s approval anyhow.

Some things simply cannot escape us, and to proactively fight against them will only lead to fatigue, extreme difficulty and eventual surrender.

We are ‘born into the ground’, a wise man once said. Our ‘work’ prepares us for exactly that - a meeting with God or with Death. Dying to ourselves and to our destiny.

Perhaps everything (and I mean ‘everything’) is easier once the ‘work’ is done, for then all else is play, is freedom, is a dance, is a miracle. But the work comes first; the humble chores inherent to one’s destiny.

Without the ‘work’, my friends, there is no holiday.

And what is life, and what is the Tao, if every day is not a holiday?!

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The TAO Of Daniel: PLAY