The Tao is an ordinary thing indeed. It is enfused in every aspect of life in such a way that it can easily be perceived as being dull or ‘lifeless’ even.

Generic portrayals of such ‘philosophies’ often include silent men in gowns sat in empty rooms, after all.

But the Taoist is an expressive being in fact; rich in creative thoughts, ideas and activities.

Notice the way a Taoist goes about his daily work: planned yet spacious, disciplined yet spontaneous, focused yet relaxed, serious yet playful.

True expression finds that meeting point (the ‘goldilocks zone’) between art and science, passion and prose, yin and yang. It is courageous and clear yet sincere and soft in the way it gets received; so much so that the Tao is dearly remembered thousands of years after being written.

Its expression is like a small candle in the corner of the room, or a gentle sun on one side of the universe.Its light never disappears, nor does it blind or overwhelm the space and its occupants.

Of course it takes a certain sensitivity and perhaps ‘maturity’ to enjoy such a ‘performance’, and yet beings everywhere (whether conscious of it or not) are impacted by the subtle expressions of the Tao.

Talk of grand miracles, spectacular sunrises and stunning landscapes are one thing, but to witness the twirling of a leaf, the yawn of a butterfly or the wrinkles on your grandma’s face is even more splendid and, at the same time, identical in every way.

What is the Tao, through your inner and outer life, sharing with you?

And what performances might be emerging through you, courtesy of the great and ordinary Tao?

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The TAO Of Daniel: PLAY
