The Tao Of Daniel: DESTINY

Just imagine if there was no trying; if every breathe, every action, every day was exactly how it was meant to be; that daily life flowed in such a way as to feel genuinely honest and effortless all of the time.

It could be that it is only our stories of things that prevent such an experience from happening.

The Tao IS this life with no story.

Tao confesses to being impossible to express with words; it is invisible, impossible, absent. And yet it is inevitable in its basic essence that permeates all things.

Tao is lived regardless of one’s understanding, or even hearing, of the word and the philosophy itself. Moreover, to study and reflect deeply on the Tao has little guarantee of changing things for you.

You are as the goldfish is to the bowl; forever encompassed by the Tao; always immersed in its ways.

The smartest fish has the same basic fate as all others though, and can even struggle the most if and when trying to over-analyse things.

A Taoist instead thinks only when absolutely required, and otherwise just enjoys the experience of swimming.

Living is perhaps much more of a ‘swimming’ experience than a ‘philosophical’ one anyhow…

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The Tao Of Daniel: LOVE


The Tao Of Daniel: RESISTANCE